What does my renewal application CE verification status mean?

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During the continuing education (CE) verification stage, PTCB confirms whether the CEs you’ve included in your renewal application meet PTCB renewal requirements. To view the status of this important stage of renewal, log into your PTCB Account and click View the status of your CE compliance in the alert box at the top of your account homepage:


Then, click View your renewal application CE verification status. 


 The information PTCB has verified via the CPE Monitor is then displayed:

The CE verification status for your renewal application can be defined as one of the following:

Verified: Your application meets CE requirements, and no further action is needed.

Not Verified: Your application does not yet meet CE requirements. PTCB is still attempting to verify your CEs using CPE Monitor. We run a daily check for 60 days from the date you submit your application.

Non-compliant: Your application does not meet CE requirements. Read more about your available next steps. 

Log into your NABP e-Profile for up-to-date information regarding your CE activities. If you find that CEs are missing or labeled incorrectly, contact the ACPE-accredited provider as soon as possible.

Verification Time Period

PTCB verifies CE activity completion using CPE Monitor and updates your renewal application compliance status daily at 4 AM ET. The 60-day verification period after your renewal application submission is based on the reporting time frame ACPE-accredited providers have to report your CE activities to CPE Monitor.

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