How-To: Manually Enter CE Information

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If all of your completed CEs are from ACPE-accredited CE providers, you do not need to manually enter any CE information. Instead, when applying for renewal, select the option: ‘I attest that I have EARNED ALL 20 continuing education (CE) hours from ACPE-accredited providers…’ 

If you are unsure if your CE activity provider is ACPE-accredited, please review the article What do I need to know about continuing education (CE)?

When applying for renewal, you must first agree to the application terms and conditions and select a conduct disclosure option. Then, the Attestation and Signature page will show:

  • Step 1: If you have completed CEs from non-ACPE-accredited providers, select the second attestation option:
    I attest that: I have earned continuing education (CE) activities from ACPE-accredited providers AND/OR FROM non-ACPE-accredited providers.
  • Step 2: After selecting the second attestation option, enter your electronic signature, confirm that you have met CE requirements, and click Submit.
  • Step 3: You will then be taken to the CE Program Information page. Click Add to enter CE program information.
  • Step 4: Enter the CE information, then click Save.
  • Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each CE activity.
  • Step 5: After entering all CE information, upload proof of completion documentation.
  • Step 6: Once proof of completion documentation is added for each CE activity, click Continue to progress to the payment section of the application.

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